

Linkstationwiki, & LinkStationWiki!

This site is primarily geared towards Buffalo Technology’s amazing network attached storage (NAS) device called the LinkStation. You’ll also find tutorials on installing and configuring Debian, performance tuning Samba, securing Apache, and much more. By design a wiki is only as good as the people who use it, so please help make this wiki great by contributing your knowledge.



Geokätkentä / GeoCaching

More information on GeoCaching can be found from

The idea of GeoCaching is to visit the place described in GeoCaching pages. There is the location coordinates and usually some description available that lead to right spot.

This is actually a game played globally by using GPS devices. 

Maps – Karttoja

Törmäsin muutamaan mukavaan karttapalveluun

map24 : Tämän kanssa on kiva leikkiä

multimap : Tiedä vaikka pelaisi joskus maemo-mapperin kanssa.

I ran into couple nice map services on net 

map24 : It is noce to play with this

multimap : Perhaps this could be used with maemo-mapper some day. 

Firefox extensions

All-in-One Gestures Rating: 4.55 Cool

  • This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.

Sage or Wizz RSS News Reader

Sage Rating: 4.08 Cool

  • Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla Firefox. It’s got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don’t.

Wizz RSS News Reader Rating: 4.5

  • A fairly good RSS and Atom news reader.

Forecastfox or Forecastfox Enhanced

Forecastfox Rating 3.85 Cool

  • Get international weather forecasts from, and display it in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable and unobtrusive extension.

Forecastfox Enhanced Rating: 4.26

  • Enhanced version of the popular Forecastfox extension ( by Jon Stritar and Richard Klien. This adds 12 improved radar images and the ability to supply a URL for your own radar image. It also allows for pausing, restarting and setting the frequency of automatic updates. All of the other amazing features of this extension are by Jon and Richard.

IE Tab Rating: 4.5 Cool

  • IE Tab – an extension from Taiwan, features: Embedding Internet Explorer in tabs of Mozilla/Firefox.


I am personnally using those marked with Cool
More can be found from Firefox Addons
Minulla itselläni on käytössä nuo jotka on merkattu Cool
Lisää laajennuksia löytyy täältä, Firefox Addons 



Joitan mielenkiintoisia linkkejä

Matkapuhelininfo foorum keskustelua puhelimista. Wink lisää keskustelua ja ladattavaa symbian puhelimiin.

Kävi esim ilmi että N80 ei vielä pelaa Navicoren kanssa Frown ei auta kuin odottaa. navicoresta ei ole vielä tarjolla S60v3 versiota. Pitäisi saapua kauppoihin kesäkuun aikana.

Pocket GPS World:ssa lisää juttua navioinnista.

Roger and out 

Maemo Mapper


Maemo Mapper is a tool for navigation with Nokia 770.


Maemo Mapper is a mapping application like GPSDrive but built from the ground up for the Hildon UI and optimized for the Nokia 770. It works with any NMEA-compliant GPS Receiver that emits the RMC sentence of the NMEA protocol.

Major features include:

  • Designed and optimized for the Nokia 770.
  • Various methods of automatic map downloading.
  • Support for the GPS Exchange (GPX) file format.
  • Driving Directions generation, including on-the-fly re-generation if you stray from the route.
  • Announcement of upcoming waypoints (including voice synthesis via flite).
  • Freely released under the GPL.

Jatka artikkeliin Maemo Mapper