Jotain GPS aiheisia sivuja
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Jotain GPS aiheisia sivuja
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Check this SyncBack Freeware V3.2.10
I don’t know if this is usefull at all, but it may be
Another interesting could be DeltaCopy – Rsync for windows
Linkstationwiki, & LinkStationWiki! This site is primarily geared towards Buffalo Technology’s amazing network attached storage (NAS) device called the LinkStation. You’ll also find tutorials on installing and configuring Debian, performance tuning Samba, securing Apache, and much more. By design a wiki is only as good as the people who use it, so please help make this wiki great by contributing your knowledge. |
Valve is collecting data trough steam to see how the Half-Life 2: Episode One is played.
You can see the statics in here
Some maemo repositories (IT2006) non-free
More information on GeoCaching can be found from
The idea of GeoCaching is to visit the place described in GeoCaching pages. There is the location coordinates and usually some description available that lead to right spot.
This is actually a game played globally by using GPS devices.
All-in-One Gestures Rating: 4.55
Sage or Wizz RSS News Reader
Forecastfox or Forecastfox Enhanced
IE Tab Rating: 4.5
Joitan mielenkiintoisia linkkejä
Matkapuhelininfo foorum keskustelua puhelimista. lisää keskustelua ja ladattavaa symbian puhelimiin.
Kävi esim ilmi että N80 ei vielä pelaa Navicoren kanssa ei auta kuin odottaa. navicoresta ei ole vielä tarjolla S60v3 versiota. Pitäisi saapua kauppoihin kesäkuun aikana.
Pocket GPS World:ssa lisää juttua navioinnista.
Roger and out