Shakira: Hips Don’t Lie

Image Couple Google Videos Laughing


Klippikino: Kummallisia videoita maailmalta. Klippikino pelastaa päiväsi.

Salakuunneltua: Lue mitä ihmiset puhuvat Suomen busseissa, toreilla ja kaduilla. Mielenkiintoisia, hauskoja ja kummallisia juttuja. Et ole turvassa missään. Kaikki mitä sanot voi tulla (ja tuleekin) julkiä. 

Firefox extensions part 2

GMarks Rating: 4.38 Cool

  • Shows your Google Bookmarks in the sidebar, similar to your FireFox Bookmarks.
    You can use the star toolbar icon to toggle the sidebar(You might need to customize the toolbar to get the icon), or Alt+M, or by going to View>Sidebars>GMarks.

Web Marker Rating: 4.27 Cool

  • Web-Marker is your marker pen for the web. It lets you mark web pages and share them with the world.

Session Saver .2 Rating: 4.29 Cool

  • SessionSaver restores your browser -exactly- as you left it, every startup, every time. Not even a crash will phase it. Windows, tabs, even things you were typing — they’re all saved. Use the menu to add + remove sessions; right, shift, or middle-clicking will delete. "Simple mode" for peace of mind, or "Expert mode" for advanced flexibility.

Tiny Url Creator Rating: 4.27 Cool

  • TinyUrl brings the functionality into your browser. It takes a long URL as input, and gives you a short URL to use in it’s place.

Dictionary Tooltip Rating: 4.55 Cool

  • Press ctrl+shift+D (or) double-click (or) right-click after selecting a word to see its meaning. This extension is ideal for those who doesn’t like to switch their window to see the meaning of a word.

RSS Ticker, Rating: 4.53 

  • RSS Ticker loads your Live Bookmarks and scrolls their entries across your screen while you surf. It’s perfect for staying informed without having to actively browse entries in an RSS reader.

See also Firefox extensions part 1  

I am personnally using those marked with Cool
More can be found from Firefox Addons
Minulla itselläni on käytössä nuo jotka on merkattu Cool
Lisää laajennuksia löytyy täältä, Firefox Addons 


Tao minulle Sampo, niin saat rakkaasi takaisin


Enpä ollut tällaisesta kuulutkaan. Vaikutti ihan mielenkiintoiselta elokuvalta. Smile

The Nokbook 770!

The Nokbook 770!

Linux hackers want to hack at the 770, and like doing so directly from the device. What does it need, then? A keyboard, USB host ports, and an extended power source of course! Add this all to an easy-to-carry case. You have your own Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You have … The Noknook 770

Link to USB Power Injector 2


Huba4I was browsing on StarWreck store pages when I noticed that they are promoting Huba.

I better check this some time when I have more free time avaialbe. Cool

Perhaps there is something fun to see. The movies seems to be availabe directly from the net, so you don’t have to buy these if you don’t wan’t.