
Mikrobitti 10/07: 

Dreambox on valtaosalle varsin tuntematon laitemerkki. Perinteisesti Dreamboxeja on ollut saatavilla ainoastaan satelliittivastaanottoon. Sittemmin valikoima on laajentunut antenni- ja kaapeliverkkoihin, mutta laitteiden ohjelmistot ovat olleet niin keskeneräisiä, etteivät ne ole soveltuneet suomalaisten digilähetysten katseluun. 

Mikrobitti: Dreambox nettijatko.

Ja linkkejä



Mobile use of Joomla

I have tried to use these pages time to time from my mobile and these aren't very useful when used in mobile browser. I made a quick search and found out couple interesting links that should be checked.

I found some references to xe_mobile template (example) which I might test sometime in the future.

That template is made by XE-Media but it is practically impossible to find it from their web pages.

Where to find: Joomla forums: Where to find Xe-Media Mobile Template, Joomla! mobile template!, …


+ Some other templates are listed in these threads as well.


The Rasterbator is an application which creates rasterized versions of images. The rasterized images can be printed and assembled into enormous (or smaller, if you prefer) posters. Enter the online Rasterbation Gallery to see what the images look like.


Hikipedia on projekti, jonka tarkoituksena on koota kaikki universaali tieto ja fakta yhteen rumaan ja nopeasti toimivaan sivustoon, jossa navigointi on erittäin hankalaa. Hikipediaa pidetään yleisesti ottaen ihmiskunnan merkittävimpänä saavutuksena – heti Tetriksen jälkeen.

Playing with Google Earth

Google Earth just showed me some tips that I wanted to store Wink

Google SketchUp and how to use it with Google earth.  That tip also pointed to this page containing some models.

 I guess I will be busy this evening. Laughing




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