openHAB – Introduction


openHAB is a software for integrating different home automation systems and technologies into one single solution that allows over-arching automation rules and that offers uniform user interfaces.This means that openHABis designed to be absolutely vendor-neutral as well as hardware/protocol-agnosticcan run on any device that is capable of running a JVM (Linux, Mac, Windows)lets you integrate an abundance of different home automation technologies into onehas a powerful rule engine to fulfill all your automation needscomes with different web-based UIs as well as native UIs for iOS and Androidis fully open sourceis maintained by a passionate and growing communityis easily extensible to integrate with new systems and devicesprovides APIs for being integrated in other systems

Source: openHAB – Introduction

Best Mods

On the video embed is given one opinion of best mods made so far and which are already reached commercial stage. I have played all except one of them as mod and even some commercial  versions.

Oheisella videolla annetaan yksi mielipide parhaista modeista joita on tehty ja jotka ovatkin yksi kerrallaan muuttuneet maksullisiksi tavalla tai toisella. Yhtä lukuunottamatta onkin tullut kaikkia pelailtua jo silloin kuin ne olivat modeja tai jopa kaupallista versiota.

HL seems to be the most common factor 🙂

  • Black Mesa
  • Dota
  • Dayz
  • Garrys Mod
  • Counter Strike

TJuTZu Junk Yard


Ajanhukkaa ja muuta elämän varrella mukaan tarttunutta.

Waste of time and other stuff gathered on my journey trough life.


Päivitin vanhasta systeemistä uudelle alustalle ja siirsin vanhan alustan viestit sellaisenaan tänne.

Iso osa postauksista on ollut linkkien laittamista talteen joten jutuissa ei ole sen kummenpaa päätä tai häntää 🙂 .

Saapas nähdä saanko aikaiseksi siivota systeemiä jossain vaiheessa.