Raspberry Pi IR camera with motion detection

raspcamI finally managed to ”complete” my Raspberry Pi IR camera with motion detection. After couple iteration rounds I end up into construction containing Raspberry Pi Model B + IR Camera + 2 IR light and motion detector.

The IR lights are designed to be used with another kind of camera unit, but I did manage to get then up and running. Probably not the proper way, but it works.

So far I haven’t manage to find any proper case for the system so I just build mount to hold all the accessories.

I am currently into the process of coding something on Python to capture the video (+ images) when ever the motion detector is triggered. So far I have managed to code procedure which captures images and turns the IR leds on when ever some movement is detected. The code needs to be cleaned from all the extra, non used part before I put it available for everyone.

OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi

Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center (OpenELEC) is a small Linux distribution built from scratch as a platform to turn your computer into an XBMC media center. OpenELEC is designed to make your system boot fast, and the install is so easy that anyone can turn a blank PC into a media machine in less than 15 minutes.

You can get OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi from here and also the instructions how to install it.

More information about OpenELEC from the main site

TJuTZu Junk Yard


Ajanhukkaa ja muuta elämän varrella mukaan tarttunutta.

Waste of time and other stuff gathered on my journey trough life.


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