I made this Arduino 7 segment 4 digit clock with led ring and DS3231 RTC which I originally bought for Raspberry Pi but never used it in it.
If I ever manage to document the build I will publish the schematic and code in here.
Parts used:
- Casing made by my son at school last year
- Piece of Silver 15% Solar Reflective Window Film One Way Mirror Privacy Tint (ebay 2,50€)
- Arduino nano (ebay ~2,50€)
- 0.56 inch 4 digit Red led display 7 segment Common cathode (ebay ~1€)
- RGB LED Ring 24 Bit WS2812B 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Driver (ebay ~5€)
- DS3231 Precision Storage Clock RTC Module Memory Module for Arduino Raspberry Pi (ebay ~1,5€)