
Tuliko katsottua töllöstä robottisotia, Robot Wars?

Jäikö sellainen tunne että tuo voisi olla hauskaa?

Jos jäi niin suuntaa Robosota sivuille ja tutustu kotimaiseen sivustoon ja pistä tuulemaan.

Flash Portal

Great Flash version of Portal the game of the year 2007.

Based on Valve’s Portal, Portal: The Flash Version brings it all up in 2d!
Portal: The Flash Version includes over 40 challenging, portals thinking levels, and everything’s included, in 2d – energy balls, cubes, turrets and even the famous crusher from the trailer. The game also includes a console to mess around with after finishing the game, or just being frustrated by thinking with portals! 

And you can find it from here !

Stella Awards

uimapaikka.gifThe Stella Awards were inspired by Stella Liebeck. In 1992, Stella, then 79, spilled a cup of McDonald’s coffee onto her lap, burning herself. A New Mexico jury awarded her $2.9 million in damages, but that’s not the whole story.